November 26, 2004

Kojo Annan and Cotecna

Nov. 26 - Claudia Rosett, who has determinedly investigated the corrupt U.N. Oil-for-Food Program for years, has information that may put Kofi Annan personally in a direct conflict-of-interest. Although his son Kojo was said to have left Cotecna in late 1998, some weeks before the comapny won the U.N. contract to check imports into Iraq under the U.N. Oil-for-Food Program, Rosett's article in the New York Sun reveals that Annan's Son Took Payments Through 2004 from Cotecna:

The younger Annan stopped working for Cotecna in late 1998, but it now turns out that he continued to receive money from Cotecna not only through 1999, as recently reported, but right up until February of this year. The timing coincides with the entire duration of Cotecna's work for the U.N. oil-for-food program. It now appears the payments to the younger Annan ended three months after the U.N., in November, 2003, closed out its role in oil-for-food and handed over the remains of the program to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad.

This latest bombshell involving the secretary-general's son was confirmed Wednesday by Kofi Annan's spokesman, Fred Eckhard, in response to this reporter's query, based on information obtained elsewhere. In an email, Mr. Eckhard wrote: "I was able to reach Kojo's lawyer this morning. He confirms that Kojo Annan received payments from Cotecna as recently as February 2004. The lawyer said that these payments were part of a standard non-competition agreement, under which the decision as to whether to continue the payments or not was up to Cotecna."

Mr. Eckhard added that, according to Kojo Annan's lawyer, the information has "been reported" to the U.N.-authorized inquiry into oil-for-food, led by a former Federal Reserve chairman, Paul Volcker.

Labeled as compensation for Kojo Annan's agreeing not to compete with Cotecna's business in West Africa, the post-employment payments were in the amount of $2,500 per month, according to another source with access to the documents. If the payments were continuous over the slightly more than five-year period involved, that would have totaled more than $150,000.

Cotecna officials, who this past April received a gag letter from the U.N. Secretariat, did not respond to queries from The New York Sun about why the company continued its non-competition payments to Kojo Annan for more than five years, instead of the one year previously reported. Neither did the company answer a question about why the payments apparently stopped this past February - just after the oil-for-food scandal erupted into the headlines following allegations in a Baghdad newspaper that the program was massively corrupt. Cotecna earlier this year denied any wrongdoing, saying that Kojo Annan's portfolio involved West Africa, not the U.N. or Iraq. Kojo Annan's lawyer at the London-based firm Schillings said the younger Annan is cooperating with the Volcker inquiry, but would not comment to the press on his payments from Cotecna.

Conflict-of-interest guidelines are far from uniform as are those for full disclosure, but there is seemingly a conflict in the information that has been given out about Kojo Annan's financial relationship with Cotecna and the dates which have been mis-reported are quite significant.

There is more, so read the article in entirety.

(Via Daimnation.)

Nov. 30 - 15:35: Kofi Annan has said he was unaware that the payments had continued and expressed his disappointment.

Posted by: Debbye at 09:35 AM | Comments (53) | Add Comment
Post contains 555 words, total size 4 kb.

1 WOW. That UN sure is messed up. Next thing you know, they'll be starting wars on false pretenses, blowing the cover of CIA agents and ignoring the Geneva Convention. THEY MUST BE STOPPED NOW! Deb- join me and my band of rugged (and sexy) freedom fighters in our determined struggle to shake off the oppressive yoke of our Blue helmeted oppressors. Its bad enough the UN can invade our countries at their choosing AND have their way with our women, BUT TO BE INVOLVED IN WHITE COLLAR CRIME? THE UTTER HORROR! Come quickly my lass, out of the occupied cities and into the rugged and untameable terrain of Southern Ontario. Your revolutionary name shall be "War Bride", and you shall be my loyal leftenant. I see you gloriously pumping your fist in the air in triumph as our homemade bombs and RPGS tear through the night and into the sides of their lightly armoured vehicles! And as the smoke clears from the twisted wreckage and the men under your command execute the survivors, you shall look toward the sky, and see me on a cliff. Your eyes will fill with tears as you watch me wave the battle-torn Stars And Stripes as I fire my Klashkinov wildly into the sky and scream at the top of my lungs: "WOLLLLLLLLVERRRRINNNNNNEEEEEEEESSSSS!!!!"

Posted by: Joey at November 26, 2004 04:09 PM (Ojo2r)

2 I can't believe you had enough time around Thanksgiving to complain so fervently about our primary body of global governance. I mean, I know your an American in T.O., but didn't you have anybody to spend Thanksgiving with? 1thster

Posted by: 1th at November 26, 2004 09:31 PM (Ojo2r)

3 Wow, UN officials are found to have traded food and medicine for underage sex and liberals(?) are yukking it up like it is a small matter compared to the humanitarian atrocity of bringing democracy to peoples afflicted with a theocratic and a totalitarian dictatorship. We are so ashamed here in the US that we have not bravely stood by and done nothing to help the Iraqi people while they fight to taste democracy and the freedoms it brings. Canada has become a caricature of the cowardly cousin. While her Australian and British 'black sheep' cousins sacrifice blood and treasure to bring freedom to others, the Canadians reassure themselves of their own special brand of courage by erecting monuments to deserters and cowards. Bwahahaha. Real Sad Sack stuff.

Posted by: mikem at November 27, 2004 06:18 PM (EzNXf)

4 I see where the No To Bush organizers are specifically calling for violence against Bush supporters at their protests. Too peaceful to defend the Iraqi people against Baathist rapists and their dictator, but courage enough to attack Canadians who support freedom. Lovely. So how is that All Jew Hating/All the Time network coming along up there in the land of tolerance? How is that prohibition on Israeli speakers working out at that fountain of diversity and intellectual discourse, Concordia? What a hallmark of civility Canada has become. Canada has become the laughingstock of Western Civilization. At least the French have the courage to stand up to the Islamic fundamentalists at home, if not abroad. Canadians prostrate before the loudest bully and slap around their Jewish students, hoping the Islamic bully will not start shoving them around and reveal them for the cowards Canadians have become. It's an old schoolyard ruse and, to the coward, it seems to work. But others are not fooled or amused.

Posted by: mikem at November 27, 2004 07:41 PM (EzNXf)

5 MIKEM: You are either very funny, or very dumb. I going to assume you are very dumb, since you are a reader of "Being American In T.O." In addition to posting the funniest thing I have seen on the internet today (I'm serious. When I read your post, I was like "OMG, the LOLercoaster boards here"), I have a message for you from Central Command that you can spread to the rest of the TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOTS on and your basement milita meetings: “Les sanglots lourds/Des violons de l’automne…” You know what to do! WOLLLLLLLVEEEEERRRRIIIINEEEEEESSS!!!!

Posted by: Joey at November 27, 2004 08:47 PM (Ojo2r)

6 Great comeback, Joey. Way to probe the limits of your intellect with a "you are dumb" argument. Soon you'll graduate to "I know you are but what am I?" to be followed by "I'm rubber, you're glue..."

Posted by: mikem at November 27, 2004 11:04 PM (EzNXf)

7 "Way to probe the limits of your intellect" When you say this, I can clearly see what you really are: A friendless, smelly, fat man. Intellectual "attacks" on the internet usually have a sense of wounded arrogance to them, like you are hurt deeply, but still need to comment and come off as "superior" Thus, I imagine you as such: A room with anime posters. Your hands clad in black fingerless gloves. As you type your "flame" you think to yourself (in a bassoprofundo voice, nach) : "HOHOHOHO! THIS FOOL THINKS HE CAN TAKE ON MY MIGHTY BRAIN? THE FOOL! HIS WITTY BARBS ARE LIKE PINPRICKS IN MY POWERFUL FORM! HE HAS NO INKLING OF MY MUNIFICENT INTELLECTUAL POWERS!" *GRINS DARKLY* "Now, puppet, I shall make you dance for my AMUSEMENT. BWHAHAHA!" *Crams fistfulls of Doritios into your sweating, tear-stained face* So yeah. Big fat guy = You The other line of attack dovetails nicely with "YOU'RE A HUGE FAT GUY" angle. When you say "Great Comeback" I can clearly see the pock-marked virgin you were in high school "Pooh-Poohing" the calls of "LOSER" by saying that. Naturally, you get beat up (once again) by the Quarterback's girlfriend for mouthing off, BUT AT LEAST YOU STOOD UP TO THEM! You're not too good at this Internet thing, are you?

Posted by: Joey at November 28, 2004 01:10 AM (Ojo2r)

8 Yeah Joey. I can see that you avoid the intellectual attacks and go straight for the, what is it now, "you're a smelly fat man" style. This passes for wit in Canada? No wonder Debbye took a break. She is too humble to say so, but she must feel like a Plato among such as you. So how goes Canada's intimidation of Jews at Concordia? Does it make you proud to see violent thugs control the speaker selection there? Are you pleased that Canada is too cowardly to stand up to such obnoxious behavior at a (cough) seat of learning? I bet you chuckle at the thought, eh?

Posted by: mikem at November 28, 2004 02:00 AM (EzNXf)

9 How goes the intimidation at Concordia? How goes the killing of Palestinians in Israel, my friend? (And yes, more Palestinians have been killed than Israeli's on buses or coffee houses... At least the Israeli's have buses and coffee houses, eh.) We're Canadians. We cheer for the underdog... We're not dumb enough to buy into your "war on brown people", so we stick up for what is right, not what our religious leaders tell us is right. Concordia is a fine school... And don't think the Israeli's there let the Palestinians off easily. The Palestinian leaders there are basically under house arrest, and the Jewish leaders have been known to throw a few insults (and rocks) once in a while too. Mikem, if you want to be "fair and balanced," you should at least TRY to be fair and balanced. If you're going to read "An American in T.O," you should balance it with some "MAINSTREAM MEDIA," even if it may be liberally biased... You need to learn how to balance the different forms of information. That's what they teach you at Concordia. Some students have decided that when the Jews landed in Palestine, even though they may have lived there 2000 years ago, they weren't right in taking the land and livelihood of those that were there at present. -1th

Posted by: 1th at November 28, 2004 01:35 PM (Ojo2r)

10 CONFIDENTIAL TO MIKEM: You sir, are enormously fat.

Posted by: Joey at November 28, 2004 07:12 PM (Ojo2r)

11 1th: "war on brown people". See, this is where we immediately determine that there is no room for discussion. For you, I assume, any military action is reprehensible. That Saddam was a murderous warmongering thug who held his people in the iron grip of totalitarian dictatorship, that his "brown people" cheered and cried in joy at his defeat and the chance at freedom and democracy, all this and more is not reason enough to overcome your need to paint the US, Britain and Australia as evil and racist for taking him down. How could a reasonable (in comparison) sounding Canadian view what has happened in Iraq as a war on brown people if not to simply indemnify themselves from guilt. Or do you support the idea that brown skin people are not quite up to living with freedom and democracy? If Canada decided not to sacrifice money and white lives to bring freedom to brown skin people, fair enough. There will be plenty of actual genocide going on in Africa that the American people will not, especially now (no war on black people!), be willing to sacrifice to stop. But you are kidding yourself to think that Canada has done something noble in avoiding the fight and siding with Saddam's regime. As for Israel, you couldn't be more obvious in your Jew hatred if you think killing Palestinian terrorists is a crime. Nothing pisses off a good Jew hater more than to see Jews fighting back against those who would destroy Israel, and winning at that. Sorry pal, the US is never going to abandon Israel. Your lamenting of the loss of Palestinian lives in their war of terror against Jewish men, women and children is cute. It must feel cool to be able to cheer against the Jews again, eh? I guess I could show my humanitarian instincts and lament the loss of SS lives in WWII, but I would at least explain myself in doing so. Oh, and it is heartwarming to hear that Jews are holding their own at Concordia. What a relief that must be to tolerant Canadians to know that Jews are surviving oppression of their views at Concordia and will not be needing Canadians to stand up for freedom of speech. (What a relief for the Jews.)

Posted by: mikem at November 28, 2004 08:05 PM (EzNXf)

12 Since you wont respond to me (IGNORING THE BIG INTERNET BULLY) and only respond to 1th (by making ridiculious assumptions and straw man arguments). I will reveal to the world why you are so bitter. Even if you ignore this, you'll still see it, and sputter in anger, your jowls will quivier with rage as you see these words. In regards to what you said to 1th: Those are some pretty strong words from a smelly fat "man" who has never kissed a girl. Are you angry at the world because you are so fat? I ask this, because being a right-wing nutjob it lets you pretend to be the bully for once in your life, instead of a fat object of scorn and derision. Everytime you open your mouth and say "I HATE BROWN PEOPLE" its like the time you went to the gym in a vain attempt to lose weight, but nearly passed out (because you are fat and it is hard for you to do anything) after turning on the Stairmaster. In the change room, a football player (OH MY GOD,you thought, THEY'RE EVERYWHERE) retched loudly at the sight of the avalanche of flab that cascaeded over your legs when you took your shirt off. Then you went home and cried, never to know the feel of a woman's lips against yours. Never to look into someone's eyes and her hear say "I love you". Never to hold someone close to you and hear their heart beat against your (ample[BECAUSE YOU ARE FAT]) chest. Your sexual repression reached a critial mass that day. The only outlet you could think of? HATING MUSLIMS. Lose some weight fatty. Then you might lighten up.

Posted by: Joey at November 28, 2004 09:28 PM (Ojo2r)

13 Wow, long post!... As for the "brown people" remark, I was actually mocking YOU for being racist, siding with the Israels in the middle eastern situation... I don't think it's humanly possible to call a liberal more racist than a conservative of the Rush Limbaugh ilk like Debbie... I think the correlation of the American South/Red State dominance of the U.S. and its history with this new "war" against the middle eastern people has some relevance, don't you? (I will admit though, the Limbaugh-types have done a good job of convincing many people on this type of argument over the last decade or so... When Ann Coulter calls Democrats more racist than Republicans, she is obviously wrong, but her opinion has power in the current media climate of the United States. But that's another issue.) Just because I am more accomodationist with respect to the Middle East does not mean I am a Nazi... In fact, "accomodationist" and "Nazi" don't seem to go well together. I am accusing YOU of being more of a Nazi to the weak and helpless Palestinian and Iraqi peoples. Sure they have shitty leaders and shitty systems... They did not start this conflict though. They are responding the only way they know how. "Terrorism is the Nuclear Bomb of the Impoverished," remember... If they are killed and imposed upon, they kill and impose upon in return, whatever way they can. That's reality. The Americans and Israelis live it every day in the ME. The Palestinians and Iraqis live it a lot worse... Probably ten times higher body count. The Israelis and Americans have more to lose economically though, so it's debatable who is winning or losing I suppose. I'm not taking the side of good or evil, I'm just calling a spade a spade and I certainly don't want Islamism forced upon me any more than I want Christianity forced upon me. I would rather the Americans comlpetely control the middle east, but I'm not willing to lose my life over it and I'mnot going to let people tell me that the Middle Eastern people started the conflict. Palestine is a state of terrorists, why? Because there are people who stole their land and force them to live the way they do, the poor men beside the rich folk... They are not the fascists. THE ISRAELIS ARE THE FASCISTS who have taken away the Palestinians freedom, even if that was a freedom to practice what the West would call cruel practices. ( There is no doubt about the Israel/Fascist argument... It is practically the definition of Fascism - a rejection of Liberal values - which both Israel and the U.S. are based upon... Another wonderful irony of American political discourse.) In Iraq, I am not siding with Saddam Hussein... I am saying that it wasn't worth the fight to take over the country, especially looking at the drawn out costs... I think it would be much wiser to spend the 100 billion dollars or so spent on the war to find alternative means of producing energy for instance, so we don't have to be such a presence in the middle east in the first place. If I could have my way with the middle east, I would COMPLETELY ignore them... They are too far behind technologically to attack us (They're are no WMD, remember)... If we left them the fuck alone, they might follow us to prosperity by example... They don't seem willing to do so by force. Anyways, I've written enough... If you have any problems with anything I've written, please return fire and I will try and clarify my statements. (Please don't simply call me a racist or a pedophile or something stupid... We'll leave that to Joey, who I must say, if he isn't right about you, he is certainly right about a lof of the right-wing ideologues-with-blogs that I visit.)

Posted by: 1th at November 28, 2004 10:02 PM (Ojo2r)

14 What a laugh. Joey presents a long rant with a ridiculous physical description of someone he has never met. A pure adolescent flame post. And your reaction is that it accurately describes right wingers, and probably me. What brain power you are displaying! A tribute to your upbringing, no doubt. And then you have the audacity to state a willingness for reasonable discussion. No thanks, dickhead. (In the spirit of your hero, Joey) So, it is OK for you to describe Americans as at war with brown people, but if I turn that around on you, I have committed the sin of calling you racist? OK, just so I understand the rules of debate in Canada. Enjoy your white skin privilege and be sure to visit the Monument to Do Nothings in Canada while the US, Great Britain and Australia bring freedom and democracy to the brown people who you would have left to the wolves. There is no creature I despise more than a Jew hater and they seem to be in strength in Canada. By the way, we Americans are getting a real chuckle at the sight of our “tolerant” northern neighbors threatening to bring war crime charges against a newspaper for supporting Bush's visit. Canada is becoming a scary place for people who respect freedom of speech. ( Just lovely. You must be so proud.

Posted by: mikem at November 28, 2004 10:53 PM (EzNXf)

15 Awesome response... I can back up Joey's claims because I've seen pictures of many right-leaning bloggers... And many of them are ugly and fat... I agree that most conservatives are fat and ugly... I've met many who are just that... My theory is that it stems from a resentment of the status quo to which they don't fit in, especially in a place like Canada, because I understand in the south the ideals of ignorance towards history and science are more widespread... Is it any coincidence that the fattest people in the U.S. live in Texas, possibly the most conservative state? I think not... As for your blah blah blah racism blah blah blah jew hater... Again, I hope your kidding, because you responded to my Edward Said-like tolerance with Rush-Limbaugh-like intolerance and ignorance. To be called a jew hater because you question American foreign policy seems a bit ridiculous... And so the American political discourse goes... As for racism. I call YOU racist b/c you have a complete intolerance for different cultures... Just as you would undoubtedly have called black people uncivilized 100 years ago (30 years ago?), you seek to impose your own values on the middle eastern people today for similar reasons... They are uncivilized and hate Americans because of that... (Rather than pretend you are helping them, why not just ignore them as I suggested? All problems are solved, except the geostrategic realities of oil-control and holding back Russia and China, but that's another story) I say, sure, they come from a civilization that is extremist and violent... Why bother with them at all?... Remember that their shining moment, September 11th, was made possible by only a few box cutters... We aren't dealing with mad scientists and nuclear bombs here... We're dealing with people who hate our civilization because we impose our will on there. I choose to ignore them if they hate us, rather than making the problem worse. I made some other good points about this in my last post which you ignored... I'll take it that you ignored them because they were friggin brilliant... for instance, I said something like "Maybe we could urge them by example to be more prosperous along more western ideals... Force doesn't seem to be swaying them.".... My argument is at least ATTEMPTING to bring good to ALL peoples of the world, a task that is difficult to downplay. You decided to respond by calling me a jew hater again... Brilliant... In the case of someone as ignorant of historical fact and political/economic realities, Joey is right that dealing with you by calling you fat is a lot more effectice... I digress. As I said, if you want to question any of my points, I am more than glad to clarify and expand on them... Otherwise, enjoy your Cheetos.

Posted by: at November 28, 2004 11:45 PM (Ojo2r)

16 WOW, I just realized me and Joey are winning... While skimming the last few posts, I notice that my tone gets more civilized while mikem's gets more hostile and illogical... I was kidding when I was posting stupid stuff... I don't think he's kidding now... VIVE EL JOEYO! VIVE EL 1TH! Done your cheetos yet? (If not, I'm still ready to expand and clarify... That's how a good argument should progress you know. Of course I'm still ready to continue our JEW HATER! vs. YOU'RE FAT AND UGLY debate.)

Posted by: 1th again at November 28, 2004 11:50 PM (Ojo2r)

17 Just one question for MikeM before I find something else to do until you respond.... Do you post as "The Terminator" at a blog called "The Transplanted Idiot"??? Just wondering.

Posted by: 1th AGAIN AND AGAIN! at November 28, 2004 11:55 PM (Ojo2r)

18 Dearest MikeM. You came out of the closet to say that my insights are: "A tribute to your upbringing, no doubt." Well! At least my upbringing didn't make me AS FAT AS YOU. I also like how you don't rebut my assertions of your fatness. PERHAPS I AM CUTTING A LITTLE TOO CLOSE TO THE BONE, EH? Oh, and I don't need to meet or see you ever to describe you physically, since your fatness is practically oozing from every character of the posts, much like your chin(s) ooze onto your stained T-Shirt(sizeXXXL), given to you free at a Video Game Competiton. Your posts also have a cloying stench of desperation and sexually repressed frustration, but that is a topic for another day. God you're fat. (PS: I AM NOT AN ADOLESCENT- i know that's a term they teach you in "FLAME MASTER SCHOOL" to shoot down the posts of your "inferors". I'm, like, 30. Immature true, but at least I'm not obese UNLIKE SOMEONE ELSE POSTING ON THIS MESSAGE BOARD *POINTS AND WINKS*)

Posted by: Joey at November 29, 2004 12:18 AM (Ojo2r)

19 You expend a lot of energy just to call someone names, Joey.

Posted by: mikem at November 29, 2004 01:17 AM (EzNXf)

20 Actually, I win simply because I am an American and not a Canadian. That is why we yawn when elections are held in Canada and you fine fellows go into spasms of angst over who we Americans choose to be our president. What we do matters because we act. Canadians do nothing and then point at all the other countries making a difference in the world and whine about how helpless they are to stop it. You have left behind a proud tradition of promoting democracy around the world and settled for the jeering section, assuring yourselves that doing nothing is the courageous and honorable thing to do. Pathetic. By the way, 1th, that was a real Canadian thing to do, rubbing 9/11 in my face. Real class act. I bet you make gas jokes to Jews and AIDS jokes to gays. Thoroughbred Canadian behavior. No, I have no avatars.

Posted by: mikem at November 29, 2004 01:38 AM (EzNXf)

21 Wow....this is interesting. Okay, all insults aside, mikem, I would find it interesting if you actually addressed some of 1th points - because, coming from a liberal perspective myself, I can't see how anyone can counter them. And it appears you can't either, since you just responded by calling him a Jew-hater (which is just as thoughtless and juvenile as him calling you fat, if not more so, since his tongue was pretty firmly in cheek there, but I think you were actually serious). Seriously, though, I think the main problem with this whole liberal/conservative conflict is a complete and utter lack of understanding of the opposing side. So it would be really enlightening if you could actually refute some of what 1th said. Just because he ended it with a little bit of barbing doesn't mean his other points weren't valid. I agree, him calling you a racist was equal to you calling Canada anti-semitic/anti-free speech. And by equal, I mean a stupid generalization based on little-to-no knowledge. On both accounts. I really can't see why you hate Canada so much - have you ever actually been there? I'm originally from Chicago and I have found it to be full of nothing but incredibly kind, tolerant people. Are they generally more leftist? Sure! But they are usually more educated of the opposite point of view. You may take that to mean I am suggesting that Conservatives are stupid and just regurgitate the "facts" that are spoon-fed to them by radicals, and maybe I am. But prove me wrong. Calling all Canadians Jew-haters isn't going to cut it.

Posted by: Marie at November 29, 2004 01:47 AM (10CbU)

22 I'm so glad I stayed up for your response... "I win simply because I am an American and not a Canadian" You hear that? You hear it? That's the sound of someone relying on the most basic and ill-based argument in the entire universe!!!! oh my god. So Americans are better because their elections are more important than ours???? Hmmm, it wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that America happens to be the greatest military, political, economic, and cultural power of the post-WW2 era..... Maybe the fact that you have 10 times our population, 10 times our economic power, 10 times our political power... You are an idiot with no grasp of the word 'context' ahahaha. And you win the argument just because you're from that place? There are a lot of very smart and very influential people in the united states who should be proud of their position in the world's greatest power... You, sir, are a hanger-on. You live in a red-state, are convinced by the most panderous arguments, and have no claim to the economic, political (etc) powers that your country holds on to.... You are one of America's losers... Just like Hitler was one of Vienna's losers... It warped his mind. It has warped yours. As for insulting America with 9/11??? I simply said that it was a catastrophe caused by simple box cutters... It wasn't a nuclear bomb is what I'm saying... It wasn't caused by Bill Clinton, it wasn't caused by George W. Bush... It was caused by 19 men with box cutters. I don't wish 9/11 or killing in general upon anybody... What I do preach is historical accuracy and an unbiased understanding of the world around us. If you can't keep up, I fully understand. You're one of America's losers for christ sake.

Posted by: at November 29, 2004 01:50 AM (Ojo2r)

23 Claiming America's greatness as your own? That's lame and utterly pathetic. Canada has all the perks of the United States, without the violent streak and the elitist politcs. By any standard but your own, you have lost this argument a few times over, mikem.

Posted by: Tommy Slick at November 29, 2004 01:55 AM (Ojo2r)

24 I just thought of something else. 1th is rubbing 9/11 in mikem's face? If he were to rub anything in the Americans arrogant faces it should be the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. On both occassions that Americans made a grab for Canadian territory, failing on both attempts. But that would be as lame as claiming that America's political importance in the world is reflective of your own greatness.

Posted by: Tommy Slick at November 29, 2004 01:59 AM (Ojo2r)

25 Well, so now I have outraged you with my jingoism, eh? And we were all having such a fruitful discussion up till then. Don't bother to sling mud out of the gate and then act all hurt because I state what is after all the majority view around the world, even among the nations that disagree with us. We matter. Australia matters. Britain matters. Because we act and are not afraid to stand up to the Islamic terrorists and Saddams of the world. Meanwhile Canadians are allowing terrorist supporters to intimidate Jews at their educational institutions, with the approval of their university leaders. Canadians are not stupid and I cannot believe that a neutral observer would look at Israel and call it a fascist state and defend a people who have sworn to wipe out "Jewry" from the ME. My test for distinguishing anti-semitism from criticism of Israel is whether Israel and her Palestinian (and the rest of the ME) enemies are held to the same standard. It is a great system and guess what? You, a lot of the UN and most leftists in America flunk the test. I watched on TV as the Palestinian people cheered in the street after 9/11.(Before the 'non-fascist' Palestinian authorities threatened to kill TV reporters that broadcast the scene.) They cheer every time they kill an Israeli, man woman or child. They have monuments to their bloodthirst. Meanwhile, Israelis lament Palestinian civilian deaths. They argue, they accuse, they indict, they elect pacifist leaders. I have never seen or heard an Israeli or any Jew celebrate the death of a Palestinian child. Guess who I think is worthy of a state? Guess who I think the US should back to the hilt? You guys are different and that is OK for you. I'm American and we will protect Israel, so you are safe to lament our actions without having to worry about any harmful effects. We will do the work. We will shed our blood. We will spend our wealth. Canada can assure themselves that the “Jews are holding up” while they appease the terror supporters in their midst and give moral support to Jew haters around the world. Marie: I would enjoy a normal discussion. But that rarely happens here because Canadians seem to despise having an “American in Toronto” and so we get only people like Joey and 1th who come in blasting away with contempt and then laughably cry foul when contempt is returned. If you want to have a reasoned discussion, you have permission to use my email address. (You don't, Joey) You can attempt a reasoned discussion here, but my guess is it will be joeyed. PS: FWIW, I have been a liberal Democrat all my life and voted so until this presidential election and the last gubernatorial election in Maryland. My values are the same, my party changed, so now I increasingly vote Republican.

Posted by: mikem at November 29, 2004 02:48 AM (EzNXf)

26 Tommy Slick (great name): At great risk, and for the sake of intellectual honesty, I will admit that I don't think I am right because I am an American. I was having a little fun with Joey and 1th in response to their rapidly escalating name calling. I wanted to tick them off. So you had to reach back 200 years to find glory? What a shame. I could reference invasions from French Canadian forces into the central US about the same time, but why bother. This is today. Canada has abandoned her proud history and become an appeaser. We all know how history remembers appeasers, right? Quit trying to be a France. Stand up for Israel. Stand up for your beleaguered Jews on campus. Stand up for freedom and democracy. PS: Quality of life issues are an area I am not familiar with, as goes Canada, so I can't argue one way or the other. But I can walk in a hospital tomorrow (I don't have insurance), get xrayed, an MRI, anything the doctor orders all in the same day, occasionally a few days for newer tests. I'll get a bill, but they won't turn me or anyone away, by law. I hear it takes months to get tests scheduled and be treated under Canada's socialist system. Treating everyone poorly instead of some (with money or insurance) better than others, is not our idea of nirvana.

Posted by: mikem at November 29, 2004 03:17 AM (EzNXf)

27 Dear MikeM: Despite being fat, you reallllllly suck at this internet thing. Your last two posts are classic "HAHAHA! I WAS TROLLING ALL ALONG...FOOLS!" material. I would like to point out that this is a last ditch argument that is used by fat losers who cannot win debates and need an easy out. I suspect you shall very shortly brag about how you "SOCIALLY ENGINEERED" 1th and myself and will once again look at your screen and *GRIN DARKLY*. You seem to be confusing what country you are from. In your last few posts you act like are ignorant of Canadian soiciety. Yet in you initial posts, you claim intimate "knowlegde" of Canadian politcal events and even what STATUES we erect on a daily basis. You are backpedding and contradiciting youself in a useless attempt to win the "debate" (Meaningless I'd like to point out, since we've already established your fatness) Your (fat) Trolling character is collapsing in on himself I bet you will soon "TIRE OF THIS GAME" and post the gayest 'farewell' message in human history here (IT WAS FUN TO MESS WITH YOU, BUT I HAVE A LIFE. IT IS SUCH A MEANINGFUL LIFE THAT I TELL STRANGERS ON THE INTERNT THAT I HAVE A ON) in a useless attempt to keep some dignity. You are the sad Troll. I'm looking at your posting pattens and all seem to start at 6 PM and go all night long. To me, this sleep pattern implies on thing:loserdom. You sleep all day and are are the internet all night. That means that when normal people are working or going to school,you are sleeping in a pile of cheetos bags and empty bottles of Code Red IN YOUR PARENTS BASEMENT. To you, the only form of dignity you have is "internet Trolling god". Now you risk losing that- that very thing that gave you meaning- to the slings and arrows of other (funnier and skinner) people on a message board. It is very sad you will try to claim victory soon. You can't even win a debate where you are called names by insulting me back with anything besides "I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I". Very sad. Though I'm sure this behaviour is applauded by the other losers who run right wing blogs (also fat and bullied alot), real people view it as sad and pathetic (not a bad judgement, since you are). Are you so fat and dumb you can't even Troll properly?

Posted by: Joey at November 29, 2004 10:24 AM (Ojo2r)

28 "You can't even win a debate where you are called names by insulting me back.." See, Joey, Bush supporting America doesn't consider name calling a debate. We have higher standards for such a term, but I can see that the best minds in Canada have declared you the winner here with your remarkable display of wit. You are right, I am cowed by your brilliance and humbled by my inability to match your keystrokes insult for insult. Keep it up. You represent Canada well. PS: Do you even know what troll means?

Posted by: mikem at November 29, 2004 11:10 AM (EzNXf)

29 So now I'm sore? No, I said you're an idiot for claiming America's world power as your own. I know you've taken that back, but it was very lame argument. Australia and Britain matter? Well, yeah, Britain still matters because they still have clout from there time before the U.S. as the world's greatest power. Australia on the other hand, you've gotta be kidding. They're less relevant than Canada no doubt... Canada, G7... Australia, 10th or 12th... Intimidating Jews in Canada? Wow, you sure are a one-note pony. I've already debunked that one. Nobody was killed in Montreal, it was a free speech issue. Both sides expressed there views. Both sides got violent. Nobody died. As for your switch to Republicanism... Unfortunately a lot of Americans seem to be swayed to the right. I don't think it's about "moral values," I think it's about post-9/11 shock... Understandable, but only to the weak-minded who have no sense of history (or reality, for that matter. Hence, my box cutter vs. Nuclear bomb argument) As for your response to TommySlick, calling Canada a loser for being an appeaser? We choose not to attack a third world nation that has no possiblity of attacking us. It makes sense, morally and strategically. As for your response to Joey... George W. Bush doesn't consider name-calling a debate? How about the election where his entire campaign revolved around the "flip flop" and "liberal" titles... That's PC name-calling, dude, wake up. He couldn't call Kerry a "n---- lover," so he did the next best thing. PEACE OUT... literally (ahha)

Posted by: 1th at November 29, 2004 11:30 AM (Ojo2r)

30 Joey, I do think you are a good representative of Canadians You have a sense of humour...

Posted by: 1th again at November 29, 2004 11:31 AM (Ojo2r)

31 Hey MikeM: I was going to write a long witty story that I think would have emulated the first time you had sex, but then i remembered you're a FAT VIRGIN. But you are right about how Canada hates Americans and Jews. We try to keep this from Americans (and you, because you are fat), but everytime the terrorists win, Canada has A HUGE PARTY!!!!!! I mean it! We bust out streamers, strike up the band and dance till our feet bleed. And passers-bys are like "Hey, what's with the party?" And we're like "DUDE! The Terrorists won in Baghdad today!" and they're like "AWESOME!" and join the party. But you can't come. Because you are fat. (PS - A Troll is a fat fat fat man IE, YOU)

Posted by: Joey at November 29, 2004 11:58 AM (Ojo2r)

32 Hey Joey, When does the party start tonight?

Posted by: 1th at November 29, 2004 12:00 PM (Ojo2r)

33 So relevancy is measured by GDP? Well then, where does that leave Canada compared to the US? I think Australia is relevant because they are a large, strong, democratic nation with the will to act. They are willing to defend democracy and not depend on others to make the sacrifices necessary to do so, while at the same time mocking the doers to assuage their damaged sense of honor and ego. Bush name calling? Oh my god. We have had a year of Bush/Hitler, Bush/Liar, Bush/Fascist, Bush/AWOL etc., ad nauseam and you have the nerve to tag him because he called Kerry a flip flopper and liberal? Oh my god! This reminds me of the incredible hypocrisy displayed by the Kerry campaign regarding his Vietnam service. Kerry struts on stage, goosesteps for several minutes, displays several of his fellow swiftboaters as proof of his war hero image. The Democrats go wild. A little later several hundred of his fellow swiftboaters publicly disagree with his self image, publicize his very public smears against his own troops and... The Democrats and Kerry call foul for injecting his Vietnam era conduct into the campaign. What gonads!! CBS and Dan Rather present obviously forged documents as proof of Bush/AWOL in the midst of a presidential campaign, using an already discredited anti-Bush pro-Kerry source and use his then anonymity to describe him as an "unimpeachable source". Then they accuse their laughing detractors of partisanship. What gonads. Bush's win was sooo schweet for veterans. So the intimidation of Jews at Concordia was debunked because nobody was killed? OK. Now we know where Canadians draw the line. Jews are welcome to breathe at Concordia as long as they don't bring in pro-Israeli speakers. Of course you are not antisemitic! What more can a Jew ask at a university then to be allowed to attend while its leaders refuse Israeli heads of state to speak for fear of bloodshed by tolerant (not antisemitic!) Canadian students. Please... Have some dignity and be willing to condemn obvious thuggery. I haven't found a liberal Democrat friend yet that doesn't shake their head in disgust at what is happening at Concordia. That you are satisfied at the outcome explains a lot about our differences. Finally, my entry for Best of Joey today: “You are either very funny, or very dumb. I going to assume you are very dumb..."

Posted by: mikem at November 29, 2004 01:12 PM (EzNXf)

34 Uh-oh! Looks like 3 American soldiers died in Iraq today! Time for all of us Canadians to have a party, and revel in this CRUSHING DEFEAT in the War on Terror(Mikem: You can't come- Still too fat) After that, all 30 million Canadians are going to the Hilel meeting at Concordia and sneer at everyone in attendence. Then we will erect a statue to Lenin.

Posted by: Joey-A true AMERICAN PATRIOT at November 29, 2004 01:45 PM (Ojo2r)

35 Mikem, you're debating with one person. Just thought you might want to know. I know it seems like you're corresponding with a science experiment--a colony of rat neurons interfaced with a WebTV--but sadly that's probably what passes for a real person in Canada these days. It really makes you appreciate Debbye more and more, eh?

Posted by: Carlito at November 29, 2004 05:37 PM (92+2d)

36 Hey Carlito, just because people have different opinions you don't like does NOT mean they are the same person. I am me. Marie and Tommy Slick are friends I have sent to the website for their own interest. Joey and mikem I do not know personally. BACK IN A MINUTE!

Posted by: 1th at November 29, 2004 06:08 PM (Ojo2r)

37 1) On your obsession with Australia, you are forgetting that Australia has a very minimal presence in Iraq. Smaller than Poland if I'm not mistaken. So shutup. Canada has troops in Afghanistan too, remember. We just don't choose to go along with "regime change" in Iraq (a third world nation with no means of attacking us. Nor the will to do so, remember.) 2) Bush vs. Kerry on military service was a preposterous and illogical debate... John Kerry WENT to Vietnam. He won medals. Lots of guys win medals, and I have no doubt they are meaningless and merely symbolic... however, George W. Bush DID NOT go to Vietnam. The fact that he dissapeared for a time during his service adds insult of course... The Kerry camp didn't cry foul because the Swift Boat guys injected his Vietnam service... they cried foul because the Swift Boat Vets LIED about his service. There's a difference. (And by the way, I'm relying on reasoned and balanced reading on the subject... not a subservience to the right-wing blogosphere... so you may disagree I'm sure.) I'm certainly not willing to defend CBS in their scandal. They lied. So did the Swiftees. 3) On Concordia again... To call Canadians anti-semetic or racist is laughable, no matter what you think of the situation in Concordia. Canadians, with our "easy social graces"(Hemingway) are tolerant towards all peoples. More than any other nation in the world, no doubt. We have 800,000 muslims here. We consider our Indians a "third nation" (which is what they want by the way, so don't cry 'second class citizens' or any of that BS). Not to mention, my friend has just informed me that Toronto has the largest per capita population of Jewish residents in North America (maybe the world, besides Israel of course). You don't see ANY large dose anti-semitism in Canada. Not to mention, the Concordia incident was a PROTEST (legal in Canada and the U.S.) against the presence of an Israeli leader. Sure it got out of hand, but a few "thugs" cannot be held responsible for the opinion of an entire country. (Remember that the Israeli protestors weren't too friendly either). Canada is a large country, with very diverse groups, in case you don't know. To assume people in Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec have the same values and norms would show complete ignorance of our political body as a whole. (By the way, your slang term for Muslims, "thugs" is rather offensive. I doubt you know the origin of the term, so it is forgivable. Instead you are simply calling Muslim's "thugs" to equate them with the Black and Latino Americans of your country. I'm not sure WHICH is more offensive actually.) Overall, I think you and Debbye and the others of your ilk are looking WAY TOO HARD for things you don't like about Canada. It's a great place to live. That's probably why so many Americans live here... Like I said, all the perks of America without such the violent streak or the elite social structure. P.S. This comment page has just crossed the 7,000 WORD barrier... We should all be quite proud of ourselves.

Posted by: 1th at November 29, 2004 06:34 PM (Ojo2r)

38 I see Dubbya is still promoting the Socratic debate on her little, Stars-and-Stripes-Forever! blogette. Way to go, Dubbya. By the way, loved the "Friends of America" poll published in die Nazionale Post. Your work?

Posted by: A Fierce non-obnoxious Canadian in To at November 29, 2004 06:57 PM (8I6NV)

39 Hey, does anyone remember what this post is about? The greasy, corrupt UN? Nov. 29 (Bloomberg) -- United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said he was upset to learn his son was getting paid this year by a company under scrutiny for its role in the UN program through which U.S. investigators say deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein stole as much as $21.3 billion. A UN spokesman said last week that Kojo Annan, 29, received $2,500 a month over four years from Geneva-based Cotecna Inspection SA, which checked humanitarian goods paid for by oil sold under a UN-administered program from 1999 to November 2003. Kojo Annan worked full-time for Cotecna from 1995 to 1997, and as a consultant until the end of 1998. His work was in Africa, according to the company. Kofi Annan, 66, told reporters today that he thought until last week that his son's relationship with Cotecna ended in 1998. UN spokesman Fred Eckhard said on Nov. 26 that Kojo Annan received a total of $125,000 until February this year as part of a ``no-compete'' contract under which he agreed not to start a business in competition with Cotecna. ``Naturally, I was very disappointed and surprised,'' Kofi Annan said at the UN today. ``I had been working under the understanding that this ceased in 1998. I had no expectation that the relationship continued.''

Posted by: Mike at November 29, 2004 07:53 PM (gyVbD)

40 I DID forget what this post was about... Most recently it's been about you complaing about Canada and me doing an ample job of defending our honour. I will still defend the U.N. though... Let's put things in context, first. The United Nations is an international institution dedicated to preventing war between nations, to provide an arena for conflict resolution so that small troubles don't erupt into large scale war. Yes, their are problems with the U.N. and it needs reform, I will admit that. We are due for a few reforms in just a few months, actually. (Proposals at least, with which the 5 permanent members of the Security Council are bound to reject)... I'm not going to defend the U.N. specifically against these charges of corruption in the cases of Annan's son, or in the case of Saddam Hussein skimming money from U.N. coffers. What Annan's son did was bad. What Saddam did was bad... HOWEVER, remembering the context of this world body dedicated to the peace and security of all nations, TWO SCANDALS DO NOT WARRANT THE DESTRUCTION OF THE UNITED NATIONS, and that is exactly where you guys are headed with this. You want an end to an institution that wants world peace, so that your country can grab EVEN MORE power. That is where neo-conservative Americans are gravely wrong... You don't like the U.N. because it puts restrictive pressures on your country, the greatest military, economic, and political power in the world... You're arguments are inherently biased in this direction. You are trying to exploit a few corruptions to claim an INTERNATIONAL institution irrelevant for your own good... If you can grasp the gravity of this situation, you too would find it appalling. There can be NO GREATER GOAL for humanity as a hole than world peace. (I can apply this to my anti-Iraq-war argument if you wish) I would rather the U.N. (a collective of nations) be at the forefront of global politics than any single nation, be it America, Russia, China, or even Canada. The U.N. was set up directly after WW2 to prevent WW3... It has worked so far... IT IS A PROJECT NOT WORTH GIVING UP UPON. That's 'My Word,' I'm Neil Cavuto. Goodnight, and thanks for watching.

Posted by: 1th at November 29, 2004 09:33 PM (Ojo2r)


Posted by: MIKEM(TOTALLY NOT JOEY PRETENDING TO BE HIM) at November 29, 2004 10:35 PM (Ojo2r)

42 Different Mike, 1th. (Mike, not mikem) I say that to save you from mistakenly referring to him as the cheeto eating, ugly, fat, idiot. No sense wasting such witticism on the wrong Mike, eh? I am not surprised, at all, that you support the Kerry as proud warrior image. Kerry is the perfect veteran for those who despise the men and women who serve. You admit that some of Kerry's medals were BS, but then use that to insult all others who were awarded medals (“Lots of guys win medals, and I have no doubt they are meaningless and merely symbolic...). Kerry's medal problems begin with his having put himself in for three Purple Hearts without ever receiving hospital care or missing a day. His CO specifically denied his request on one of the awards and Kerry talked his next CO into signing off on it. He, and only he in the Vietnam US Navy, used his three medal count to get out of combat duty after four months. Not the stuff of his legends. He put himself in for a Silver Star ( a very high award, second only to an MOH and DSC) for killing a single wounded VC as he ran away. Justifiable?, absolutely, Silver Star material?, only to John Kerry. He absolutely lied, and admitted so, about the “most significant” moment in his life, Christmas in Cambodia. This is a story he had repeated in Congressional testimony and in numerous speeches. His own swiftboat supporters said it never happened, which is of course why he decided to “correct the record”. Kerry returned from his four month tour in Vietnam and joined the anti-war movement, which is fair enough, but then he testified before the world that the 'band of brothers' he left behind had purposely and under orders from command, committed atrocities on a daily basis. Once out of danger, he smeared every man and woman serving in Vietnam by charging them with institutionalized war crimes. While still a reserve officer, he met with the enemy and discussed strategy for a communist win in Vietnam. He presented men who had never served in combat as witnesses to their own atrocities committed in combat, some had never been in Vietnam at all. His anti-war organization, to their credit, split up over this ”mistake”, but it didn't stop Kerry from referring to their testimony for years in his political campaigns. I could go on and on, but I point out that everything I listed is based on his own recollections and biography. The MSM and Kerry's campaign have their own spin on what it all means. Other charges made against him I am willing to grant to Kerry for the sake of avoiding overkill and needless debate. They are basically his and several swiftboaters word against the word of almost three hundred swiftboaters. And Kerry refused to release his military records, although we know that his discharge was changed from something other than honorable to honorable by Jimmy Carter during the Amnesty Program. Compare that to the demands from the MSM, and five year hunt, for every last scrap of paper that deals with Bush's service. Compare that to the total lack of curiosity about the military records of one of the most despised personalities of the Vietnam war. Kerry was as anti-military and anti-veteran as one can be, and yet when nominated he ran as a proud Vietnam war veteran, proud of his service, proud of defending democracy, proud of the (war criminals?) he served with. What a crock of shit. And people like you bought it without even a glance. Oh, and Kerry didn't volunteer for dangerous duty in Vietnam, as his campaign stated over and over. Unfortunately for him, his biography had already quoted him as stating that he applied for and received deferments. When they ran out he joined the Navy to avoid ground combat and then he specifically chose patrol boat duty because they did shore patrol, not river patrol, at the time he made his choice. He specically states that he was trying to avoid combat. (The biography came out before his decision to reinvent himself as Warrior Kerry) Suddenly things changed, but three Purple Hearts and four months later, Kerry is out of combat duty for good and ready to start smearing his 'band of brothers'. Like I said, this election was sooo schweet for Vietnam veterans. The Democratic Party and the MSM sold their ethical souls to support and cover up for this pathetic man and most Americans will not forget.

Posted by: mikem at November 29, 2004 11:08 PM (EzNXf)

43 (Even though we already know the answers to these questions) MIKEM: Have you ever had sex with a human womam? If yes, have you ever had sex with a human woman who wasn't fat and ugly? If yes, have you ever had sex with a non-fat non-ugly human woman for whom you did not pay money to have sex with?

Posted by: JOEY at November 30, 2004 12:06 AM (Ojo2r)

44 Are you fuckin kidding me? I wasted all that time coming up with a brilliant argument for the U.N.... and you're not even going to read it! Good decoy, I say. As for Kerry, I really don't feel like defending this for long, because it's so utterly irrelevant, and I certainly wasn't one of the "veterans" in the blogosphere who lost their jobs because they spent so much time hating on John Kerry's THREE PURPLE HEARTS (whatever they may be worth). God, that post was boring, I could hardly make it through, but I did it, and I'll say two things on it: 1) As I said before, JOHN KERRY WENT TO VIETNAM, and no matter what me or you think of his medals, at least he was there. GEORGE W. BUSH WAS NOT IN VIETNAM, and his means of avoiding the war were sketchy at best. 2) As for your repeated remark that the election was sweet for veterans, I say, what about the millions of veterans who voted Kerry... Any assumption that ALL veterans were happy that Kerry lost is redundant... If you mean REPUBLICAN VETERANS, I can agree... Okay, here's a third... As for the details you speak about Kerry's service, I really could give a fuck. The charges are obviously overblown at best, and I assume that a little too much of your information comes from biased sources... We all know that more than one of the Swiftees reversed their stories... We all know that Kerry had more than a few supporters who backed up his story... The rest is election politics, which are incredibly warped in your country. (Just ask John McCain who was accussed during the 2000 primaries of having a black child (true) by the Bush camp... In fact, I think I just stumbled on something else that Canada does better than the U.S... Personal politics) - Neil Cavuto again

Posted by: 1th at November 30, 2004 12:07 AM (Ojo2r)

45 Joey, you dick, you posted only a minute before me! Now it looks like we really are the same person... P.S. I think by this point, mikem, by ignoring your questions about sex, is not willing to speak about his sex life in public. And you know what, that's ok!

Posted by: 1th again at November 30, 2004 12:09 AM (Ojo2r)

46 "And you know what, that's ok!" Thanks, I will save you the sordid details. I read your UN post. I was just pointing out that it was a different person since you seemed (understandably) miffed at "my" complaining about the off topic nature of what would have been my (and your) own doing. Kerry is obviously a sore spot for me. I served four years, not in Vietnam, during the wind down of that war. I watched his smear campaign against Vietnam vets play across the national stage. If he had chosen to run his campaign as an anti-war candidate and honestly portrayed his efforts during and after the Vietnam war, I and millions of vets would not have been so outraged, although we still would have not wanted him to serve as CinC. But he chose to turn his history on its head and do the 'band of brothers' routine. Clinton was an unapologetic draft dodger and millions of vets, including me, voted for him. He didn't try to pretend to be something he wasn't and we were not as concerned about who would be CinC during those years. Americans, and until this election (chuckle) Democrats, don't see service in the armed forces as a prerequisite for president. But Kerry's nomination and posture as proud defender of the Vietnamese people against communism was seen as laughable and a direct slap in the face to veterans. The veterans overwhelmingly supported Bush (somewhere in the high seventy percentile). That would be "draft dodging" Bush over "war hero" Kerry. Does that say something to you about Kerry's support among veterans? The UN: I am disgusted with the UN, I admit. I don't necessarily see its dissolution as the answer, but it has more than a few problems. If you want to be open minded and understand how Americans can be so dismissive of the UN, look no further than Libya's election as chairman of the UN's Human Rights Commission or Syria's (SYRIA!) replacement of the US on the Commission. Did that make sense to humanitarians around the world? Or was that simply a bitchslap delivered to Americans? That certainly made a lot of anti-Americans swoon with delight, but do not expect us to turn around and take such an organization seriously and accept their advice. We have seen where UN judgment leads and we will not follow it uncritically. Just look at the UN votes against Israel. Twelve UN resolutions condemning Israel for its efforts to defend itself against terrorism, NOT ONE against Palestinian terrorism. That is antisemitism, not balanced criticism. You expect America to accept judgment from that UN? More and more it seems that the UN is dominated by non democratic nations with France desperately holding on to its past glory of world leadership by playing friend to dictatorships in the UN. I would think their role (and their profiting from) in supporting Saddam would have disgusted Canadians, but... The US made this same mistake (supporting a dictatorship) in Chile during and because of the Cold War and we took a lot of deserved abuse because of it. France finds glory in it and we are saddened. This is more than just the normal Gaullist anti-Americanism that France stakes its role in the world on. How could a democratic society not want to see a monster like Saddam removed? Your reassurance about Jewish satisfaction with their place at Canadian universities is not compelling and is belied by the many reports we read in Canadian online newspapers and many blogs. Frankly, your remarks sounds much like the old Southern Democrats (yes, Democrats overwhelmingly controlled the South during slavery and Jim Crow) denouncing criticism of their way of life by assuring us that their Negroes are quite satisfied with the way things are. Its not the same, I know, but you use an argument that has the same resonance and as I said, Jews do not seem to agree with your assessment of their pleasure. I mean, Al Jazeera is OK, Fox news is too much? (I know that Fox was recently allowed to broadcast, much to the disgust of the tolerant, not antisemitic, pro Al Jazeera Canadian broadcast authorities.) Your censorship boards are frightening. We keep nudity off the air on public, not cable, channels. Canada launches a major investigation and denounces a popular sportscaster for calling hockey players frenchified. Not our idea of tolerance, but Canadians seem to be pleased with it. Is it true that Quebec does not allow stand alone english language signs and notices? That french language signs must be used, by law, and that english can only be displayed on a sign in a secondary position? Is that true?

Posted by: mikem at November 30, 2004 02:04 AM (EzNXf)

47 Mikem: We all know you aren't a vetran. You are much to fat too leave your house, let alone complete basic training. But if you say it on the internet, it must be true! So..... I have 2 Medals of Honor(for killing yellow and brown people). I am the greatest American hero who has ever graced this earth.

Posted by: Pvt. Joey, USMC at November 30, 2004 02:27 AM (Ojo2r)

48 Best of Joey (1 and 2) “You are either very funny, or very dumb. I going to assume you are very dumb..." "We all know you aren't a vetran. You are much to fat too leave your house"

Posted by: mikem at November 30, 2004 02:53 AM (EzNXf)

49 1th: "(By the way, your slang term for Muslims, "thugs" is rather offensive. I doubt you know the origin of the term, so it is forgivable. Instead you are simply calling Muslim's "thugs" to equate them with the Black and Latino Americans of your country. I'm not sure WHICH is more offensive actually.) It's a great place to live. That's probably why so many Americans live here... Like I said, all the perks of America without such the violent streak or the elite social structure." This is so much blind BS. Thugs is a term universally used to describe violent criminals. That YOU should think it applies exclusively to blacks and Latinos, or any racial or ethnic group, says a hell of a lot more about your lily white Canadian upbring than any lame attempt to attack me for using a word that has a foreign origin. In case you missed that day in school, all english has roots in other cultures. Sheesh. I was starting to give you more credit than you apparently deserve. I hate to burst your bubble pal, but a lot more Canadians head south than Americans head north. Literally millions upon millions try to get into the US, not Canada where they are not welcome anyway. Notice how diverse the US is compared to Canada? Do you think keeping Canada lily white is noble? Canadians are 'tolerant' because they tolerate each other and keep 'others' out. Does that clear that up? Want to change subjects? No elitism in Canada? Everyone makes the same income? Everyone has the same wealth, access to elite schools etc.? You know, there is nothing wrong with having pride in your country and people, but you have such an extremely naive view of how Canada treats all its citizens, I have to assume that you are either uncaring or unaware of life around you. Canada is capitalist, not socialist, and your contention of no elite social structure is laughable.

Posted by: mikem at November 30, 2004 06:49 AM (EzNXf)

50 First off, I must declare my dissapearance after this post... I'm much too busy for the next week to continue this... However, I promise that if this post is still going, I will return. Just a few points on exiting though... Syria shouldn't be in the UN?... The United States cannot claim "moral high ground" in the U.N. anymore than Syria can in the aftermath of the Iraq conflict. And on the term "thug," I am right, you do not know the origin of the term... "thugee" was a derogatory term for a Hindu cult who was oppossed to the English presence there. On that note, I am OUT for at least a week... Sorry. And by the way, I AM WINNING THIS DEBATE... My most passionate post defended world peace... Your most passionate piece defended a book by Jerome Corsi about John Kerry's military service... Touche. (That's french for I WIN)

Posted by: 1th at November 30, 2004 12:05 PM (Ojo2r)

51 Boy, I didn't give Joey enough credit. He had this nailed down days in advance. Joey: “ I bet you will soon "TIRE OF THIS GAME" and post the gayest 'farewell' message in human history here (IT WAS FUN TO MESS WITH YOU, BUT I HAVE A LIFE...” Joey: “It is very sad you will try to claim victory soon.” 1th: “And by the way, I AM WINNING THIS DEBATE...” (Keep going. The louder you scream this, the better you convince yourself and others.) And finally, 1th has made an attempt at replacing the Best of Joey feature with this parting gem: “Touche. (That's french for I WIN)” No, it is french for “you win”, Einstein! (Thank You!) As any good french worshiping Canadian should know, 'touche' is an acknowledgment of an opponents successful “touch” in a fencing duel, or more commonly to acknowledge an opponents successful point in a debate. It is used to grudgingly, but with style, admit defeat or a loss of point. This little “joey” is especially rich following your lecture on my “racist” failure to footnote foreign origin words. But again, thanks.

Posted by: mikem at November 30, 2004 03:28 PM (EzNXf)

52 Best of Joey (1 - 3) “You are either very funny, or very dumb. I going to assume you are very dumb..." "We all know you aren't a vetran. You are much to fat too leave your house" "Have you ever had sex with a human womam?"

Posted by: mikem at November 30, 2004 03:33 PM (EzNXf)

53 I'm glad you think I'm funny, but all I am doing is pointing out things about you. If that sad comedy is amusing to you, then THAT IS AWESOME! Never change fatty! I <3 YOUR MAN TITS!

Posted by: Joey at November 30, 2004 06:55 PM (Ojo2r)

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